Harm Reduction Equipment for Institutions, Agencies and Not-For-profits – Building a Safer Society.

Easy 24/7 access to life-saving harm reduction supplies

IDS Vending helps you make life-saving supplies accessible to those in need. Educational institutions, public health agencies, and community-based or non-profit organizations can now deploy Harm reduction supplies dispensing equipment in places where they can make a difference. Fill out this form to get help or to know more.

Eliminate the social stigma associated with buying harm-reduction supplies. Provide discreet and unintrusive access to supplies that can make a difference in society and individuals who need support.

Our vending machines can dispense drugs and supplies to help

Talk to our expert to learn how to deploy IDS Vending’s harm reduction solutions for your public safety programs.

SAMHSA Grant and Other Incentives for Harm Reduction Equipment

 Harm reduction dispensers can help build a great business case for your SAMHSA grants. There are several FY 24 NOFO announcements that help institutions and NFPs leverage government funding to deploy harm-reduction equipment.

For-profit institutions can also enjoy benefits like tax exemptions under Section 179 while investing in harm-reduction equipment. To know more about the benefits you can enjoy while investing in harm-reduction equipment, click here…

Real customers. Real results.

Community-based / non-profit organizations, postsecondary institutions, and state and local public health agencies across the United States and Canada are utilizing our solution to help combat the drug overdose epidemic by providing overdose reversal medication, along with many other harm reduction and safer use supplies.

AIDS Care Ocean State is Rhode Island’s largest AIDS service agency and provides a wide range of programs, including clinical, housing, and prevention support. ACOS has been successful in dispensing and tracking sterile syringes, needles, overdose prevention supplies, and safe sex kits through their IDS equipment. These items are now easier to distribute and are more accessible to their clients. See how AIDS Care Ocean State utilizes vending to provide easy access to harm-reduction supplies.

“Someone was overdosing, and we had a vending machine out there, so I quickly gave him a code, and he was able to access the machine and get the required overdose reversal strips.”Ray Joseph, AIDS Care Ocean State Prevention Supervisor

Join the Fight Against Overdoses: Get a Harm Reduction Vending Machine Today

©Intelligent Dispensing Solutions

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