Complete Access to Supplies From Single Point of Storage to Single Point of Use

The Definition of Real Control

VendSafety is a supply chain optimizer that offers 24×7 access to supplies with real-time capabilities. The technology keeps you abreast of your product consumption patterns, letting you know who is consuming what in real-time. The result? No stock issues. No overconsumption of supplies. Your employees get the products they need at the right time, minus the scrabbling, minus any downtime. 

Secure, Simplified

VendSafety is not only a place to enjoy easy access to your inventory. It is a place for safe and secure storage of assets. It simplifies the complex affair of inventory management through real-time monitoring capabilities that help streamline your operations and reduce inventory carrying and administrative costs.

Versatile Hardware Options

VendSafety hardware offers manufacturing providers access control, inventory management, and accountability over the entire MRO and PPE lifecycle. 

Our range of hardware support includes: 

  • Supply Dispensers: A tool allowing manufacturing facilities to store and dispense PPE and MRO supplies securely. It offers a single point of access that keeps your inventory safe, secure, and organized.  
  • Supply Lockers: VendSafety Supply Lockers aid in the access or return of PPE tools and supplies. It is a Satellite Supply Locker that can be attached to a Standalone Supply Dispenser /Locker for additional capacity. 
  • Virtual Tracker: Allows you to track your assets through any device, which includes iOS, Android, or IDS mobile computer devices.

You Are Just A Step Away From Experiencing A World of Secure, Empowered Inventory.

©Intelligent Dispensing Solutions

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