Why VendSafety?
Take Control of Your Manufacturing Inventory
VendSafety is here to help you optimize your supply chain through manufacturing inventory control, tracking, and productivity. With VendSafety, you can spread out your single point of storage to your single point of use. Among other applications, iQ Technology helps to know who is consuming what supplies in real-time.This information eliminates the overconsumption of products and not having enough products when you need them.
Dispense the products you need to your employees when and where it is convenient for them through VendSafety Supply Dispensers and Smart Lockers from Intelligent Dispensing Solutions.
VendSafety allows your employees to have complete access to supplies without sacrificing security or productivity. Your employees will not waste precious time searching for the supplies they need. Instead, they will use the supply dispensers and smart lockers with an integrated inventory tracking system to ensure that your employees always have the products they need.
Simplifying Inventory Management
Reduces Inventory Carrying Costs
Eliminates ‘shrink’ and hoarding
Provides complete, real-time reporting of how, what, why, and where
Allows access to inventory while maintaining control and security
Reduces administration costs and streamlining operations
Increases the time apparatus trucks can be in service