Intelligent Dispensing Solutions‘ office vending machine is the perfect way to start organizing your office supplies and keep the safely and securely organized. With this focus on organization, there are a few tips that help improve workplace organization for employees that carry over to the benefits of a custom vending machine for your office supply storage. Here are our top tips for keeping office supplies organized with a vending machine!
A place for everything, and everything in its place is one of the founding principles of organization. Whether it is for organizing ideas, files or office supplies, being able to properly store things and find them again easily and efficiently is a key part of being organized. With the Office Supply System from IDS there is a place for everything in the vending machine and once they are in there they will stay neatly arranged and easy to find with their vertical and face-out arrangement.
Simplify! Making everything as easy as possible will increase the likelihood that you do the positive things you need to in order to stay organized. Swiping an ID card or entering a PIN to procure the office supplies you need removes much of the hassle from trying to securely store and dispense valuable items.