If you’ve learned anything here at our blog it’s that you can do just about anything with a vending machine –in terms of retail that is. And if you’ve ever been to Japan, you know there is literally a vending machine for anything and everything under the sun. It’s incredible seeing stories in the news about the unique vending machines here in our own country. We’re slowly learning to branch out and recognize the true potential of these amazing machines.
Intelligent Dispensing Solutions is all about breaking stereotypes of ordinary vending machines. Sure they can make you a vending machine that sells soda and candy if that’s what you want. But they’re not afraid to design office vending machines that dish out notepads and pens or tool vending machines with hammers and safety goggles. If you can envision it, they can make it. You’d be amazed at some of the ideas people come up with. How about a vending machine dispensing printer supplies? Or fashion accessories? They’ve done it!
We challenge you to come up with an inventive idea for your own vending machines. We promise no idea is too weird or too out there. Vending machine solutions are convenient and affordable tools that can bring merchandise to a large customer base. What new and awesome idea will you come up with?