Marijuana Next Big Thing in Custom Vending?

Medical marijuana has been legal in Colorado for several years. But, a new convenience for those with pot prescriptions has been unveiled: at a recent promotional event in Avon, Colorado, manufacturers presented custom cannabis vending machines that dispense it.

The marijuana vending machine, which is known as the ZaZZZ runs a biometrics check to verify a customer’s age and confirm that he or she is over 21. The machines are climate controlled to keep the product inside fresh. The machine could be used to dispense edibles and smokable products on a self-serve basis to those who have medical marijuana cards. There are already machines that automate medical marijuana dispensing from behind the counter.

Custom vending for medicines, like cannabis where it’s legal, are a boon to both patients and medical professionals. The machines make inventory control a breeze, as every item dispensed is automatically counted. Many doctors offices and nursing homes have found these machines a convenient option, since patients can order medications right in the office. In a nursing home or other residential care environment, patients can have medications dispensed daily to ensure older patients remember their medications. These machines are also a boon to those who are embarrassed about medications they’ve been prescribed, whether they are marijuana, Viagra or medication for a yeast infection. When patients can get their medications without having to discuss their purchases, they are more likely to comply with their doctors’ orders.

Where self-serve medical marijuana vending machines fit into the picture, however, will remain to be seen. The first ZaZZZ machine has been placed in the Herbal Elements dispensary, but, as yet, does not have marijuana inside. The shop’s owners are still waiting for authorities to give self-serve the okay.