End-To-End Vending Machine Fulfillment

Buying a new machine from a vending machine manufacturer is a good idea, be it for your school, office or any other sort of space with high foot traffic. That being said, you do not want your supplemental income to come at the expense of the attention and care you should be applying to your regular job. Even a small distraction like filling the machine with some regularity can be a pain.

This is why Intelligent Dispensing Solutions offers what we call “end-to-end fulfillment solutions.” Sounds snazzy doesn’t it?

Intelligent Dispensing Solutions can take your machine on as if it were their own. They will offer you complete installation and maintenance, which is important considering you likely do not know the intricacies of how exactly a vending machine works. Perhaps more helpful though is their offer of product fulfillment.

Using a variety of vendor and distributor contacts throughout the world IDS can set up an entire inventory supply chain for your vending machines. This means that without concerning yourself with specific logistics they can provide you with delivery and stocking of all of your vending machines. You can reap all of the benefits of a vending machine on your premises without any of the added work.

Hug a Vending Machine, Receive a Free Coke

Just when you think you’ve seen every type of custom vending machine out there, another one pops up. And this one is great for people who don’t even want to spend money! In an effort to spread a little love and smiles, Coca-Cola created a special coke dispensing machine that vends a free can of Coke when you hug the machine. The words “Hug Me” are sprawled across the front in Coca-Cola’s font, an inviting gesture. How could anyone resist those words?

The students at the National University of Singapore certainly could not resist. Spokesman Leonardo O’Grady stated, “Whether you were hugging the machine or experiencing the event online, our goal was the same – to put a smile on your face and share that emotional connection. Reactions were amazing…people really had fun with it and at one point we had four to five people hugging the machine at the same time as well as each other.”

They put together a cute little video of people’s reactions to the hug me coke machine and I can’t say I wouldn’t want to join those kids. Sadly, none are expected to appear here in the States, that we know of. But the company does want to place more in locations across Asia. Sometimes the best things in life are for free. So what unique vending machine would you like to build?