The Simple, Central & Smart Way to Track & Dispense Scrubs

Hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities and practices are constantly trying to balance quality care with inventory control and minimization of costs. This can be difficult, and it pays to find ways to control costs without compromising care, comfort, and safety. One area of inventory that is notorious for shrinkage is scrubs. Personnel frequently forget to return scrubs, and they get lost or thrown away. Not only that, but standard methods of storing, cleaning, and stocking scrubs may be inefficient.

Fortunately, there is a better way. Imagine a custom scrub inventory tracking and management vending machine that not only stores and dispenses clean scrubs but also tracks them.

ScrubTrak systems offer an easy way to dispense, track, and store scrubs using powerful, cloud-based software that can be customized for your facility. Flexible management tools allow management to generate usage reports that can be printed online or sent to a desktop application. These features put scrubs inventory control at management’s fingertips and allow for better planning and greater cost efficiency.

In order to access the scrubs in the machine, personnel must key in a code. The computerized, cloud-based system stores all data, and management receives regular notifications regarding stock and other data. When stock is getting low, a notification is sent out. Personnel can return used scrubs to the vending machine, and that will be tracked as well.

Management can control the inventory, allowing only certain personnel access to the scrubs, and setting limits on how many scrubs are dispensed per person.

Storage of scrubs using a uniform vending machine is much more streamlined. Both clean and soiled scrubs are housed in the space-saving machine. No need to keep them locked up or to distribute keys to certain personnel. They can be accessed at any time of day.

Vending machine manufacturers that provide and maintain this service include custom features like remote inventory control and mobile notifications. For facilities that are large, or have more than one location, these vending machines are ideal. Personnel can retrieve scrubs from one machine, and return them to another. The cloud-based technology keeps track of all the vending machines for the facility, tracking and recording inventory easily. This ultimately reduces waste, and shrinkage and improves efficiency.

Medical Supply Dispensing via Vending Machines

Intelligent Dispensing Solutions | Custom Vending | Medical Vending Solutions

Healthcare facilities face a number of challenges with regard to their supplies, and many of those challenges can be met with a custom vending machine. IDS is on the vending industry’s cutting edge by offering custom medical vending machines that can dispense tools and instruments, scrubs and even controlled substances, all of which come with numerous benefits.

Superior Inventory Control

The iQ technology IDS uses in its custom machine allows for remote inventory tracking. Rather than having to physically visit each machine, medical administrators can access reports online to review each machine’s inventory. This feature saves time and improves accuracy, giving administrators a real-time view of the inventory at any given time.

Custom machines can also machine time-stamp and catalog all withdrawals, only dispensing items to those with authorized access. Whether it’s a controlled substance, costly surgical instruments or a pair of scrubs, the custom machine will regulate the item’s access based on the swipe of an ID card, employee PIN or other access protocol.

Reduction of Inventory Shrinkage

Inventory shrinkage is another issue that can be eliminated with a custom medical vending machine, particularly useful for the facility’s scrubs department. Scrub shortages and constant inventory depletion is often the result of employees not returning scrubs after use. A custom medical inventory control machine can address the problem by dispensing scrubs in an authorized user’s specific size and color, as well as giving him the option of returning soiled scrubs. This feature saves money and eliminates the mess often found in scrubs return areas.

Medical Vending Benefit Overview

The full slate of medical vending benefits are many, and they include:

  • Fast and easy access to supplies for authorized users
  • Tracking of costly items and controlled substances
  • Reduction of shrinkage and theft
  • Elimination of storerooms
  • Customized sizes featuring single-sided or double-sided display
  • Reinforced steel and heavy duty glass for theft prevention
  • Custom skin options to specify machine use

While healthcare facilities may continue to face a number of challenges across the board, keeping tabs on their supplies need not be one of them. A custom medical vending machine provides a top-notch solution that comes with numerous benefits.