Harm Reduction Dispensing Machines – The IDS Portfolio

Harm Reduction vending machines

In the current healthcare environment, innovation is not just a trendy term but a crucial necessity. This is especially apparent in harm reduction, as traditional approaches frequently prove inadequate. Enter the groundbreaking solution – Harm Reduction Dispensing Machines, a growing initiative proven to save lives. This automated dispensing solution has effectively lessened the risks associated with drug usage. The dispenser can provide a safe and accessible way to provide various items such as medical kits, safe injection kits, harm reduction supplies, first aid kits, and life-saving medications to those in need.

The increasing demand for these life-saving machines highlights their importance in our society, and IDS has been at the forefront of these innovative solutions.Let’s dive deeper and explore IDS’ Harm Reduction and Healthcare Vending Machines and software technology.

What is a Harm Reduction Supply Dispenser? IDS’ Harm Reduction Supply Dispensers is an innovative solution that aims to reduce the risks associated with drug use and provide a critical lifeline for individuals who may have overdosed. These vending machines also play a vital role in promoting safe injection practices, safe smoking, and safe sex within different communities.

With IDS’ harm reduction vending machines, people can access harm reduction supplies and kits 24/7, ensuring safer drug use, overdose reversal, and infectious disease prevention. These healthcare vending machines offer a wide range of products, including Narcan (naloxone) nasal spray, Fentanyl test strip kits, hygiene kits, wound care kits, and much more. They are versatile and can dispense varied shapes, sizes, and packaging products.

Weather & Security Package

These machines are designed with climate control options that ensure product longevity, safety, and freshness while cutting down on annual replacement costs. This feature ensures that any refrigeration supplies are stored at the appropriate temperature. For colder climates, the Harm Reduction and Needle

Exchange Dispenser comes equipped with an automatic heater to maintain the correct temperature in the machine and eliminate condensation and fogging of the glass in high-humidity locations. The outdoor machine models have a rugged design with added weather and security features, making them highly resistant to vandals and the elements.

We talked with several companies, and after reviewing the data from them, we determined that IDS was the way to go, thanks to its history of deploying harm-reduction vending machines. I referred to the machines when I described them as fairly smart machines that can track the temperature so that we know that our supplies are being stored at an appropriate temperature regardless of the temperature outside. So, we like that feature – – Angela Wood, Chief Marketing Officer, Family, and Medical Counseling Service, Inc.

iQ Technology

IDS’ iQ Technology tracks machine usage and makes it easy to control inventory for harm reduction and public health supplies. Providing real-time transaction and inventory reports can give organizations complete control and visibility into managing harm-reduction supplies and helps simplify staff reporting. These reports can help staff with planning, budgeting, and grant applications.

iQ Technology is a timesaver for organizations, as staff can manage inventory on hand anytime and anywhere. Staff no longer have to search for products and their information manually. iQ technology provides a seamless way to learn everything about a product, including when it expires, saving your organization time and money and reducing product waste.

This 24/7 virtual management solution includes a passcode feature. With this feature, staff can give an assigned individual a one-time use code, including an expiration date and specific product access. Clients can then access the supplies they need without staff being on-site. Many clients prefer this contactless dispensing solution due to stigma and privacy concerns. AIDS Care Ocean State, Rhode Island’s largest AIDS service agency, offers a range of programs, including clinical, housing, and prevention support, and is an IDS customer. Check out their Harm Reduction Dispensing success story for more information on the benefits of iQ Technology and harm reduction dispensing machines.

In Conclusion

IDS’s iQ Technology software and harm reduction supply dispensers are helping save lives

across the United States. There is a need for harm-reduction dispensing machines. IDS is dedicated to providing customers with our iQ Technology software and harm-reduction supply dispensers to provide a low barrier and easy access to life-saving medical kits, hygiene kits, safer sex kits, Naloxone, and other harm-reduction supplies and testing 24/7. For further information and testimonials from organizations implementing IDS’ harm reduction solutions and to request a personalized demo visit our website!

The Rise of Harm Reduction Vending Machines: How They Are Changing the Game

Harm Reduction vending machine

The opioid crisis is worsening year after year, resulting in more and more preventable deaths. The DC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner reported 1,779 opioid overdose deaths in the District between January 2017 and May 2022. Factors contributing to this include the overuse of opioid prescriptions, the illegal production and sale of opioids, and the accessibility of potent synthetic opioids like fentanyl – a substance that kills people without their knowledge due to its unseen presence in cocaine and fake pills. These factors have caused an epidemic of overdoses throughout our society, claiming the lives of far too many.

But just as the epidemic grows beyond proportions, necessity has paved the way for another harm reduction method. This article explores the rise of harm reduction machines and how they are proving a game-changer in the fight against drug addiction.

Harm Reduction Machines – A Life-Saving Phenomenon

Harm-reduction vending machines are automated dispensers that provide life-saving harm-reduction supplies to drug users. They are typically located in public areas and have round-the-clock accessibility. The range of harm reduction supplies offered by these machines includes anti-overdose medications such as Narcan, which can bind the opioid receptors in the brain and nullify the effects of opioids, syringes, alcohol swabs, sterile water, and condoms. The availability of Narcan also serves to lessen the stigma associated with addiction, making it a more socially accepted issue.

Governments and organizations recognize the importance of harm reduction strategies in reducing the spread of infectious diseases and overdose deaths. This explains why the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recognized the potential of vending machines stocked with nasal sprays that can reverse an overdose.

One Solution, Many Benefits

Harm-reduction vending machines can significantly benefit those who may have overdosed and the community at large. They provide a safe, sterile, and non-judgmental environment for drug users to access harm-reduction supplies. Many machines are equipped with counseling services and referrals to drug treatment programs, laying out a holistic approach to harm reduction.

In contrast to a “Just Say No” approach to illicit drug use based on deterrence and punishment, harm reduction is “really a comprehensive view of accepting people wherever they are on the spectrum of their substance use, and then linking them to the services that they need and educating them on how to protect themselves and their families,” – Angela Wood, Chief Operations Officer at Family and Medical Counseling Service (FMCS)

Thus, harm-reduction machines reduce the burden on public health systems and emergency services. Providing access to harm-reduction supplies minimizes the number of emergency room visits and hospitalizations due to drug-related complications.

Game-changing Potential

Harm-reduction machines are more than emergency jackets that help reverse the drug effects and prevent deaths. It strikingly reduces the stigma associated with drug use by providing a safe and sterile environment for drug users to access supplies and support. This way, these machines challenge the notion that drug use is a punishable criminal activity rather than being treated as a public health issue.

“People who use drugs are often thought of as outside community. Oftentimes, they experience criminalization that doesn’t allow them to feel safe utilizing traditional modalities of care, HIPS hopes the machine helps normalize community members caring for one another, with someone obtaining Narcan from a machine for a neighbor, friend, or family member in need”. – said Andrea Lopez, the Board Vice-Chair of HIPS, a nonprofit that offers harm reduction services and has worked in harm reduction for over 25 years.

Last but not least, harm-reduction machines are providing a cost-effective solution to the opioid epidemic. Harm-reduction machines are saving governments and healthcare systems millions of dollars by reducing the transmission of infectious diseases. The machines also widely reduce the number of emergency room visits and hospitalizations related to drug overdoses.

Harm Reduction Machines vs. Traditional Methods

Harm-reduction machines are often compared to traditional harm-reduction methods like needle exchange programs and outreach services. While both approaches aim to reduce the harms of drug use, the delivery differs.

Harm-reduction machines are accessible 24/7, providing drug users with a consistent and reliable source of harm-reduction supplies. In contrast, needle exchange programs and outreach services are often limited by their operating hours and availability. Another advantage of harm reduction machines is that they are more discreet than traditional methods, as it takes away any stigma or fear that drug users may face. Harm reduction machines provide a private and anonymous environment for drug users to access supplies.

These vending machines are also more cost-effective than traditional methods. While needle exchange programs and outreach services require staffing and operating costs, harm reduction machines are self-serve devices that require minimal maintenance.

Final Words

There is a need for harm-reduction dispensing machines. IDS is committed to providing customers with our harm-reduction supply dispensers to make it easier for people to access life-saving medical kits,

hygiene kits, safer sex kits, Naloxone, and other harm-reduction supplies and testing around the clock. Our dispensing machines are adaptable and can dispense harm-reduction products of varying sizes and packaging. Please visit IDS’ website to learn more about harm-reduction dispensing machines and how they can enhance your community.

Maximizing Your Experience at the NSA Annual Conference & Exposition

NSA Annual Conference - IDS

The National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) 2023 Annual Conference is just around the corner! The conference will be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, from June 26-29, 2023. This is a premier event for sheriffs and law enforcement professionals from across the country to come together to learn, network, and share best practices. So grab your notepad, charge up those tablets, and prepare for an unforgettable experience at the Annual National Sheriffs Association Conference & Exposition!

The NSA Annual Conference & Exposition 

IDS’ UCapIt is excited to showcase its secure storage solutions at this year’s NSA Annual Conference & Exposition – a platform for sheriffs and law enforcement professionals to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the field, network with colleagues, and learn from experts. The conference will feature a variety of educational sessions, workshops, and exhibits on a wide range of topics related to law enforcement, including:

  • Public safety
  • Criminal justice
  • Homeland security
  • Jail operations
  • Court security
  • Technology
  • Training

Knowledge Transfer Designed To Be Profound

One of the most exciting parts of attending the NSA Annual Conference & Exposition is getting to hear from keynote speakers who are experts in their respective fields. These speakers come from a variety of backgrounds and industries, but they all share a passion for leadership and personal development. Attending these keynote speeches can be a transformative experience for attendees. You get to learn from some of the brightest minds in your field and get inspired to push yourself further than you thought possible.

The knowledge sessions provide hands-on experiences, practical skills, and interactive learning environments. Attendees learn new perspectives from individuals working in different agencies or organizations. These workshops also offer professional growth opportunities through continuing education credits (CEUs) available upon completion. 

The Expo Hall is one of the main attractions at the NSA Annual Conference & Exposition. This is where attendees can network with exhibitors and learn about new products, services, and technologies that can benefit their businesses or organizations. The Expo Hall features over 300 companies showcasing various solutions ranging from cybersecurity to physical security services. There are also opportunities for attendees to participate in demonstrations, ask questions and get hands-on experience using these solutions.

Meet IDS At The Expo Hall

IDS’ UCapIt will be at booth #1416, showcasing our innovative storage lockers. Law enforcement agencies can count on our lockers to provide them with secure storage for their valuable evidence, tactical gear, and firearms. Our state-of-the-art inventory control system, integrated within our lockers, is designed to make storage management convenient and user-friendly. Our equipment is engineered to deliver the highest level of safety, security, and reliability to ensure that law enforcement personnel can focus on their critical duties without any worries.

Our secure storage lockers  innovative solutions and technology can make inventory management more secure and efficient. UCapIt, allows supervisors to take better control of their inventory. UCapIt is a cloud-based operating system that provides round-the-clock real-time inventory and reporting of what, how, where, and why inventory is removed. 

Managers can set restrictions for who can access which supplies. All withdrawals are time-stamped, cataloged, and regulated by training/tech clearance level. Administrators can choose biometrics, prox card, barcodes, and pin numbers for employees to gain access. Dual validation is available for the supplies needing the most security. This verification process complies with FDA and DEA regulations.  

Here’s a peek preview of some of the features that this inventory platform offers:

  • Accessibility: All under a roof – A single access point for your entire team
  • Security: Targeted access for intended recipients only
  • Accuracy: Reduced errors – As manual inputs are eliminated
  • Visibility: Manage inventory better to drive efficiency in response
  • Agility: Ensure timely access to supplies and equipment
  • Configurability: Versatile lockers of varying dimensions that can be tailored to needs
  • Accountability: Leave no asset unused when lives are at stake
  • Safety: Controlled substances are kept safe

Check Out These Options At Our Exhibit

Supply Dispensers

Our Automated Supply Dispensing Machines are designed to boost productivity and minimize employee downtime by bringing your storage point closer to your point of use. These machines are highly sought after in various industries, including facility supply management, healthcare, retail, IT, and more. IDS’ automated retail machines offer a secure and reliable way to easily manage consumable and returnable supplies, tools, and other assets.

Supply Lockers 

Supply lockers are a convenient way to retrieve or return medical supplies and equipment. They can be easily attached to dispensers or lockers to increase storage capacity. Each bay can be customized and has the option to add electrical outlets for charging devices.

Virtual Tracker

IDS has a wide range of asset-tracking hardware that can help you keep track of your inventory, equipment, and assets. Our Virtual Tracker hardware has barcode labels suitable for all scanning needs, including 1D and 2D codes. Our hardware is versatile enough to be used for consumables and equipment alike.


Sheriffs and law enforcement professionals are encouraged to take advantage of the NSA Annual Conference & Exposition. This event provides a platform for attendees to gain new knowledge, connect with other professionals in the field, and share innovative ideas. Online registration is available through the NSA website. If you’re attending the conference, make sure to stop by booth #1416 to check out our supply dispensers and lockers and see how IDS’ UCapIt can provide law enforcement with a secure and convenient way to store evidence, tactical gear, and firearms.

National HIV Testing Day-June 27

National HIV Testing Day - June 27th

Beyond Traditional Testing: How Innovative Dispensing Solutions Are Redefining HIV Testing

Section 1: Thembi’s Road to Recovery

Thembi’s journey is a testament to our progress in the battle against HIV. In the late 90s, when her husband started showing symptoms of the fatal virus, Thembi was terrified that she too might have contracted it. But despite her fears, she gathered the courage to travel 20 miles to a clinic to get tested. However, before receiving the results, she began experiencing symptoms of the virus and eventually fell into a coma after contracting tuberculosis.

Against all odds, Thembi woke up from her coma after two weeks and discovered she had tested positive for HIV. However, she was determined to fight back and start her journey to recovery, which she did with remarkable success. Though Thembi was grateful for a second chance at life, she understood that early detection of her illness gave her a fighting chance.

Today, as a mother of two, Thembi spreads hope to the people around her with her smile and unwavering positive spirit. Thanks to advances in HIV testing and treatment, people living with HIV can now live normal, fulfilling lives. 

June 27th is National HIV Testing Day, an annual event in the United States that aims to raise awareness about the significance of getting tested for HIV and knowing one’s status. This day aims to promote education and understanding about the disease, to reduce its stigma and discrimination.

Section 2: The Importance of HIV Testing

Early detection of HIV is crucial because it allows for early initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART), significantly improving health outcomes and life expectancy. According to UNAIDS, early initiation of ART can reduce the risk of HIV transmission by up to 96%. It can also reduce the risk of developing AIDS-related illnesses by up to 75%. However, in 2020, an estimated 38% of people living with HIV globally were still unaware of their HIV status, highlighting the ongoing importance of HIV testing.

Thembi was lucky to get a second chance at life, but it may not be so for many. Early detection is the safest way to stay ahead in the fight against HIV.

Section 3: Challenges with Traditional Testing Methods

In the past, getting tested for HIV was a daunting task that discouraged many from testing. The process involved a range of physical and emotional obstacles that made people hesitant to face the reality of their situation. The fear of societal judgment and the stigma of a positive diagnosis often left individuals unaware.  

Some of the challenges associated with the traditional method of testing were:

  • Accessibility
    Traditional HIV testing methods require individuals to visit a clinic or hospital, making it difficult for those living in remote areas or with limited mobility to get tested, leading to lower testing rates and early detection.
  • Stigma
    Visiting a clinic or hospital for an HIV test can be stigmatizing. It may discourage some individuals from getting tested, especially those from marginalized communities. Such negligence can lead to a higher prevalence of HIV in these communities and delays in early detection.
  • Cost
    Traditional HIV testing methods can be expensive, especially for those without health insurance, preventing individuals from getting tested and leading to delays in early detection.
  • Time
    The time required to get tested and receive results with traditional methods can be lengthy, leading to delays in diagnosis and treatment.

In general, the drawbacks of conventional HIV testing techniques may cause a decrease in testing frequency and delayed diagnosis, which may result in increased transmission rates and poorer health outcomes for people living with HIV. 

Therefore, it is critical to create testing methods that are more easily accessible, free from stigma, inexpensive, and timely to boost testing rates and identify the disease early.

Section 4: IDS’ Harm Reduction Supply Dispensers- Providing a Solution

IDS’s iQ Technology software and harm reduction supply dispensers are helping save lives across the United States. Harm Reduction Supply Dispensers provide a low barrier and easy access to life-saving medical kits, hygiene kits, safer sex kits, Naloxone, HIV self-tests, and other harm reduction supplies and testing 24/7. To access the machine, clients can receive a unique code to enter and dispense the medical supplies they need quickly and efficiently. 

IDS-powered harm-reduction dispensing solutions for HIV testing are revolutionizing how individuals access HIV testing. These innovative technologies offer a discreet way to get tested, providing privacy and confidentiality to those who may fear the stigma or discrimination associated with HIV testing. 

Through IDS’ harm reduction machines, organizations like H.O.P.E Testing provide individuals with free self-test kits and other harm reduction supplies such as safer sex kits,  safe injection kits, first aid kits, Narcan, and pregnancy tests. “IDS’s equipment and technology have created a low-barrier entry point for those individuals needing our services. It provides easy access to supplies and prevention education without engaging with a staff member,”  said Executive Director Taryn Norman. For more information on how H.O.P.E. Testing has improved accessibility and tracking of harm reduction supplies by using vending machines, you can watch their testimonial here. 

Not only do these dispensing solutions for HIV testing provide a convenient way to get tested, but they also play a crucial role in increasing HIV testing rates and early detection. They are especially vital for marginalized populations facing barriers to accessing traditional testing methods. By reducing the spread of HIV, these machines significantly contribute to public health.

Section 5: Conclusion

HIV is no longer a death sentence, and people living with HIV can live full and healthy lives. 

Early detection and treatment of HIV is important because it can significantly improve an individual’s health and life expectancy while reducing the risk of transmitting the virus to others. IDS harm-reducing dispensing solutions aim to minimize the negative consequences of drug use and infectious disease transmission by providing quick and easy access to medication-assisted treatment supplies, like HIV self-tests. To learn more about IDS’s harm reduction dispensers and technology, click here to check our website. 


Provide Anytime, Anywhere Access to Office Supplies with iVendTech

IDS - iVendTech

Do your employees have easy and convenient access to the supplies they need without any hassle? Many studies have shown that employees can waste significant amounts of time searching for necessary supplies and equipment in the workplace. This time spent reduces employee productivity and can incur hidden costs for your business. iVendTech, an inventory management software developed by IDS, can help companies balance the convenience of having readily available and accessible supplies and obtaining the level of control and tracking necessary. 

Why The Traditional Supply Closet & Service Desk Is a Time & Productivity Killer 

Today’s supply requirements are varied and include charging cables, earbuds, adapters, monitors, and more. Hence, an open closet can prove a financial disadvantage to employers due to overuse of supplies and shrinkage caused by a lack of inventory control. Some employers responded by having their supply closets locked. Alternative suggestion: But as it turns out, this setup is a productivity nightmare. Who wants to waste time tracking down the keyholder for access? A service desk might seem like a solution. However, it can end up causing even more chaos and wasted time. Why have your talented employees bogged down with supply management when they could be working on high-value tasks instead?

The Solution, iVendTech 

iVendTech is an all-in-one solution that combines IDS supply dispensers and lockers with inventory management software. It offers real-time visibility and alerts for optimal inventory and asset management, available 24/7. This solution can be tailored to fit the unique requirements of users, managers, IT professionals, and other stakeholders. iVendTech technology streamlines the dispensing of IT and office equipment and resources to your staff and, as a result, reduces the time spent searching for supplies. In addition, it saves costs by reducing shrinkage from lost, untracked supplies. You can set limits on who can access specific items. With real-time transaction reporting, you can track who uses which supplies and how much they are using, ensuring an accurate chain of custody and accountability. Learn more about iVendTech by watching this video. 

Benefits That Matter 

Secure, Comprehensive, Productive


Employees often leave their desks to pick up items, which are given out for free without any record. These transactions result in unreliable and inaccurate data for reordering or accountability purposes. Without attendants, managers develop innovative ways to obtain required supplies, like using open store rooms or free-issue bins, which leads to uncontrolled and untracked consumption. 

iVendTech vending machines are equipped with advanced technology to help decrease costs by preventing shrinkage caused by unaccounted supplies.


You can achieve total control over your inventory and have a clear idea of its status, thanks to the platform’s real-time reporting system and administrative accountability features. Our reporting tools provide access to sales data, restocking lists, user visibility, and alerts when inventory levels run low. 


Using iVendTech office supply vending machines can reduce employees’ time in IT departments and on phone calls searching for office supply replacements. It enables employees to quickly obtain necessary items such as a mouse or keyboard, thus enhancing productivity and convenience. 

iQ Technology 

The iQ Technology software serves as the central processing unit of the IDS systems, empowering managers to take control of a typically complicated inventory scenario and customize it according to their liking. For example, they can track sales remotely and create a unique point-of-sale display that caters to different customers. Notifications will be sent through email or text, providing information on a low stock position, power loss, connectivity issues, etc. Users can access office supplies from any iVendTech machine, and managers have real-time inventory and warehouse control. This is not something you find in the many advanced machines that roll out daily, as not all are equipped with this iQ technology. 

Final Words 

iVendTech is among the many solutions IDS offers to make your inventory support easier, better, smoother, and more efficient. Let’s do the math and learn how profitable you can be with this technology. 



RX & Illicit Drug Summit – An Overview

IDSvending - RX Summit Blog

Since the start of the opioid epidemic, more than one million people have lost their lives. Across the nation, organizations are utilizing Narcan-stocked vending machines as a preventative solution, as these medications can reverse a drug overdose. IDS has been at the forefront of developing life-saving dispensing solutions and technology. Recently, IDS was a proud Silver Sponsor of the RX & Illicit Drug Summit. This influential event addresses the opioid crisis. From April 1st-4th, IDS and a global community of stakeholders and professionals gathered to share and learn about the latest prevention, treatment, and law enforcement strategies.

IDSvending - RX Summit Event

IDS Joins The Global Community in Strategizing The Prevention, Treatment, & Recovery of Opioid Overdoses

During the RX & Illicit Drug Summit, IDS had the opportunity to showcase our Intelligent Dispensing Solutions Equipment and iQ Technology Software. IDS’s Harm Reduction Supply Dispenser is an innovation designed to minimize drug use-associated health risks and serve as a lifeline for those who may have overdosed. 

Our Harm Reduction Supply Dispensers provide a low barrier and easy access to life-saving medical kits, hygiene kits, safer sex kits, Naloxone, and other harm reduction supplies and testing 24/7. To access the machine, clients can receive a unique code to enter and dispense the medical supplies they need quickly and efficiently. Our iQ Technology and real-time tracking software provide transaction and inventory reports to make your reporting easy and efficient. 

Today, we cater to many customers to fight against the opioid crisis and its consequences. Our sponsorship of this year’s RX and Illicit Drug Summit and our future Bronze Sponsorship of the RX & Illicit Drug Summit in 2024 further indicates our objective.  

IDS Harm Reduction Supply Dispenser 

IDSvending - RX Summit IDS’s Harm Reduction Supply Dispenser is an innovation designed to minimize drug use-associated health risks and serve as a lifeline for those who may have overdosed to dangerous proportions. The machine also helps health officials to promote safe injections, safe smoking, and safe sex in communities. 

“These machines have been really popular and have taken off in a way that we never anticipated or hoped for. We are distributing or dispensing safer sex and harm reduction supplies which include condoms, self-test kits, safe injection kits, Narcan, first aid kits, COVID-19 kits, and pregnancy test kits. The machine helped us to create a low-barrier entry point to our organization. This means users can access what they need without getting in touch with any staff. The backend software made reporting very easy, as we were able to realize the impact and outcome very quickly” – Taryn Norman  – Executive Director, Hope Testing. 


The benefits of the device extend beyond this, and here’s a preview.

A Few Highlights From The RX & Illicit Drug Summit

The event hosted numerous speakers and exciting exhibitions showcasing how technology can control the drug epidemic. We noted an increased number of vending machine enthusiasts, who had purchased our machines, and those looking to secure funding. The life-saving capability of these machines, coupled with their ability to gather data, created a buzz that emphasizes how these harm-reduction vending machines can save lives. For more information on IDS’s harm reduction dispensing solutions and iQ technology, visit here!

IDS – Rx and Illicit Drug Summit

IDS - Rx and Illicit Drug Summit


“More than one million lives have been lost since the start of the opioid epidemic.” 

The Rx and Illicit drug Summit is the largest and most significant event addressing the opioid crisis.  IDS joins the global community of stakeholders aimed at prevention, treatment, and cure as a proud silver sponsor. This event is where prevention strategies are shared and put into action. 

Highlights of the Event

This event embraces innovation. Strategies are shared among allied professionals and decision-makers to gain knowledge about the latest in prevention, treatment, and law enforcement. Over 3,500 participants are expected to participate. The event is held in Atlanta, Ga, and starts on April 10th and lasts through the 13th. 

Who Should Attend?

Experts from across the nation will lead the event providing extensive educational experiences. This attracts many different stakeholders, including:

  • Physicians, nurses, psychiatrists, dentists, and pharmacists
  • Counselors, therapists, social workers, interventionists, and psychologists
  • Law enforcement personnel
  • Advocates, families, and people in recovery 
  • Public health and prevention officers
  • First responders
  • Researchers and Education specialists
  • Federal, local, and state officials and lawmakers
  • Attorneys
  • Treatment center operators and owners 

IDS’s Harm Reduction Supply Dispensers and Technology

IDS’s iQ Technology software and harm reduction supply dispensers are helping save lives across the United States. Our Harm Reduction Supply Dispensers provide a low barrier and easy access to life-saving medical kits, hygiene kits, safer sex kits, Naloxone, and other harm reduction supplies and testing 24/7. To access the machine, clients can receive a unique code to enter and dispense the medical supplies they need quickly and efficiently. Our iQ Technology, real-time tracking software, provides transaction and inventory reports to make your reporting easy and efficient. 

Through our Harm Reduction Vending Machine, H.O.P.E, Testing, an organization based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, provides safer sex and harm reduction supplies, HIV self-tests, safe injection kits, Narcanm first aid kits, and pregnancy tests. “Our machines have been really popular and took off in a way that we hadn’t even anticipated,” said Executive Director Taryn Norman. “IDS’s equipment and technology have created a low-barrier entry point for those individuals needing our services. It provides easy access to supplies and prevention education without engaging with a staff member. All they have to do is fill out a small form online.” To learn more about how implementing harm reduction vending machines has enabled increased accessibility and better tracking of harm reduction supplies for H.O.P.E. Testing, watch their testimonial here. 

IDS is a proud silver sponsor at this year’s event. 

“Overdose deaths have reached record rates, and we can’t afford for more lives to be lost. It’s time to turn the numbers around”. Join IDS and the global community at the RX and Illicit Drug Summit to address innovations, strategies, and technologies to help manage and prevent opioid overdoses. We will be at booth #300, displaying our harm reduction dispensing solutions. To learn more about the RX and Illlicit Drug Summit, visit here.

Harm Reduction The Life-saving Role Played by Outdoor Machines

Harm Reduction: The Life-saving Role of Outdoor Vending Machines

The United States faces a challenging situation due to the opioid epidemic. Statistics suggest that close to 108,000 people succumbed to this epidemic last year alone. To counter the destructive effects of these drugs and avoid further loss of lives, cities and aid organizations have proposed an innovative harm reduction solution – utilizing vending machines to dispense Narcan, the leading opioid reversal medication. This article contains an in-depth analysis of these vending machines and their ability to save lives.

Harm Reduction Programs & Vending Machines – An Overview 

Harm reduction programs are created to reduce deaths related to addictions, overdoses, and other medical complications. One way to achieve this is a Harm Reduction Supply Dispenser, an initiative gaining popularity across the United States and Canada for its life-saving capabilities. This automated dispensing solution has proven effective in reducing the risks associated with overt drug usage. Medical kits, safe injection kits, harm reduction supplies, first aid kits, and life-saving medications are just a few examples of the many items that can be dispensed. 

There is a Need 

The opioid crisis progressively worsens every year. Factors contributing to this include the overuse of opioid prescriptions, the illegal production and sale of opioids, and the accessibility of potent synthetic opioids like fentanyl. The presence of fentanyl in cocaine and fake pills is responsible for the deaths of those unaware of its existence or potency. This has caused an epidemic of overdoses throughout our society, claiming the lives of far too many.

Fulfilling That Need 

An approach by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is to supply vending machines with nasal sprays that can reverse an overdose. Narcan, an opioid antagonist, is a medication that can bind the opioid receptors in the brain and nullify the effects of opioids. This medication comes as a nasal spray and is simple to administer. These vending machines, found in public places, can save lives. The availability of Narcan also serves to lessen the stigma associated with addiction, making it a more socially accepted issue.

AIDS Care Ocean State is a service agency in Rhode Island that has found success with our harm reduction vending machines. “If people don’t want to come into the office or don’t feel like traveling 20-30 minutes to come to us, they are able to go the vending machines to get the things they need and not have that face-to-face contact,” said Ray Joseph, ACOS Prevention Supervisor. Harm reduction vending machines make distributing these life-saving medications to clients easier and more accessible. Click here to view the AIDS Care Ocean State customer spotlight.

These organizations, they may be closed at five but with a machine that could be outdoors or placed in a variety of places,” “Now the end users can access the machine regardless if it’s four o’clock during business hours or two o’clock in the morning [to] access the supplies when they need them.” – Ashley Hubler, Chief Marketing Officer of the Wittern Group

Benefits of iQ Technology

USI’s harm reduction supply dispensers are powered by our advanced iQ technology, providing an easy, 24/7 supply management solution.  Control and manage harm reduction inventory supplies virtually. With the passcodes feature, you can give a one-time use code to an assigned individual and include an expiration date and specific product access. It provides real-time accessible product usage data and makes pulling reports easy. 

One of our valued customers, H.O.P.E Testing, has found iQ technology beneficial. “It’s been really easy for us due to the back end software to track the number of clients who are enrolled and the number of supplies. So it makes reporting really easy for us, really helpful to be able to show that impact and those outcomes very quickly”. -Taryn Norman, Executive Director at H.O.P.E Testing 

You can watch H.O.P.E Testing’s full customer spotlight here

IDS – A Proud Silver Sponsor

At IDS, we are at the forefront and a pioneer in facilitating the accessibility and availability of harm reduction and health supplies for users 24/7. We are honored to be a silver sponsor for the 2023 Rx and Illicit Drug Summit, held April 10th through the 13th in Atlanta, GA. It is an opportunity for a global community to share innovations, strategies, and technologies to help manage, treat, and prevent opioid overdoses. Visit IDS at booth #300 to check out our innovative harm reduction supply dispensing systems and technology.

Exploring the Possibilities at PROMAT 2023

A Guide to Maximizing Your Benefits

PROMAT 2023 is an exciting opportunity for anyone looking to gain insights, make connections, and explore the possibilities of a constantly evolving industry.  From interactive workshops to thought-provoking keynotes, attendees can learn from the industry’s brightest minds and gain invaluable insights. PROMAT 2023 is from March 20th through the 23rd at the iconic 2.6 million square feet McCormick Place, North America’s largest and most flexible-use convention center. 

If you want to make the most of your time at PROMAT 2023, this guide is for you!

Benefits of Attending PROMAT 2023

With hundreds of exhibitors showcasing the latest products and services, attendees will have the chance to get an up-close look at the latest distribution industry trends. PROMAT 2023 features 150 educational seminars, special exhibits, intriguing hands-on demonstrations, and four keynote speeches, with 1,000 leading manufacturers and supply chain providers over three days under a single roof. 

With networking events and thought-provoking discussions, attendees will be able to make meaningful connections that can help achieve the many meaningful goals they’ve set. PROMAT 2023 will also feature many special events, such as cocktail receptions and industry-led panels, providing attendees a unique opportunity to interact with industry leaders.

Keynotes and Workshops to Maximize Your Benefits

PROMAT 2023 will feature various keynote speakers and interactive workshops that attendees can attend to maximize their benefits from the show. The keynote speakers will provide attendees with insight into the latest trends, technologies, and strategies to help them stay ahead of the competition. 

Visit IDS At PROMAT 2023

IDS is excited to be an exhibitor at PROMAT 2023. We are eager to display the latest innovations in distribution, supply chain management, manufacturing, and technological advancements in vending and dispensing solutions. Here is a preview: 

SD5000 for Inventory Control 

Drive productivity and gain insight into how supplies and products are being used throughout your manufacturing and warehouses with IDS’ vending solutions and technologies. It’s time to experience a device that can take over complete control of your inventory with our most popular smart supply vending machine, the SD5000. SD5000 is a versatile solution for wide-ranging products allowing item-specific visibility and control. Access real-time supply usage and inventory anytime, anywhere with its iQ technology feature.

Adjustable Locker for Asset Management & Dispensing 

IDS’ Adjustable Lockers are versatile and perfect for managing and securing your larger assets. They can also be used for single-dispense, multi-dispense, will-call, check-in/check-out, and storage of high-value or user-specific items containing sensitive information. Eliminate inefficient operations with adjustable lockers.  IDS’ adjustable lockers allow employees to have complete access to supplies without sacrificing security or productivity. 

Virtual Tracker for Inventory & Asset Management of Backroom Items

Powered by iQ Technology, IDS’s Virtual Tracker alerts supervisors whenever supplies are running low or in danger of expiring. Virtual Tracker tracks who is consuming what supplies in real-time and what for. This information eliminates the overconsumption of products and not having enough products when you need them. Virtual Tracker, provides an efficient and quick process for checking supplies in and out, speedy auditing, real-time reporting of stock levels, and integrated alert systems.   With the right balance of convenience and control, you can provide better quality services at a reduced operating cost. 

Make Your Registrations Today 

Let March be the month that keeps you up on the path of innovation. Visit IDS at booth #N8517 to learn about inventory control, asset management solutions, and more game-changing vending trends that provide the uplift that your business needs.

How Harm Reduction Vending Machines Are Savings Lives


Harm reduction vending machines


A Harm reduction vending Machine Closer Look

In recent years, there has been a shift in the way addiction is viewed and treated. Instead of relying solely on abstinence-based models, many organizations are developing harm-reduction strategies to help those struggling with addiction and other health-related issues. Among the most promising public health technologies gaining traction is the use of harm-reduction vending machines, which aim to provide access to life-saving resources to those in need. In this article, we will take a closer look at how these innovative machines are changing the lives of countless individuals worldwide and how they can help create a healthier, safer environment for all.

Overview Of The Harm Reduction Model

The harm reduction model is an approach to health and social issues that seeks to reduce the negative consequences of certain behaviors. Primarily used with drug use and other areas of health, such as the spread of infectious diseases, and in situations where individuals are unable, unwilling, or unlikely to stop or reduce their harmful behavior without assistance. It seeks to reduce the harm these behaviors may cause to the individual, others, and the community through various preventative, supportive, and other interventionist strategies. 

These strategies may include introducing safer alternatives or reducing the behavior’s negative consequences. Harm reduction models can be used for anything from providing clean needles for individuals who are intravenous drug users to providing education on preventing the spread of infectious diseases to reversing the deadly effects that drug consumption could induce.

What Are Harm Reduction Vending Machines?

Harm reduction vending machines are a relatively new yet effective public health technology to provide access to life-saving resources, like overdose response kits and naloxone, to those who need it most. These machines dispense medication like naloxone and other essentials that may help reduce the risk of injury or infection. Unlike other vending machines that offer goods and services for a cost, these vending machines are free, intending to reach the most vulnerable populations that may not be able to access these resources otherwise.

These machines are usually placed in high-risk areas like homeless shelters, drug use/shooting sites, and other locations where individuals are most likely to consume drugs or be at risk of contracting an infectious disease. They are also placed in areas where individuals fear accessing government or community-based support due to stigma.

“There’s times that these users — there may be, like, a stigma associated with getting these types of supplies, so they don’t want to interact with someone face to face. And so that’s another way that our machines kind of alleviate that concern or that hesitancy,” – Ashley Hubler, chief marketing officer for the Wittern Group

These machines are getting increasingly popular in America. The story behind it is quite comprehensive, but it generally allows anyone to access these resources, regardless of whether they have a prescription, health insurance, or any other requirement. It is an anywhere, anytime facility that can be accessed whenever needed. Since they are on wheels, they can be moved, dropped off, and set up in different locations, allowing them to serve a larger population. 

The Impact Of These Machines On Communities

Their overall impact can take time to measure. While it’s challenging to collect data on the effects of harm-reductionvending machines, there is one area we can look at to get a sense of their impact: overdoses.

Data from Vancouver and surrounding areas show that Naloxone dispensed by vending machines and given out by emergency responders and health care providers saves lives. In Vancouver alone, emergency responders have administered Naloxone over 5,000 times since the beginning of 2016.

“They’re putting them in fire stations, jails, churches, places that are public,” said Julie Burgess, head of a division Wittern created to handle higher demand from groups distributing Narcan.

The Potential

Harm reduction vending machines testify to the role vending machines can play in expanding access to critical health resources and information. In time, we will likely see even more vending machines popping up across the globe, dispensing a range of essential resources to those who need them. This will even include medications like insulin for those with diabetes or other life-saving resources like water in areas where clean water is scarce. To learn more about harm reduction vending machines, click here.