The Greek Importance of Supply Dispensing

We tend to think of vending machines as modern conveniences, not historical inventions. They are our allies during an all-nighter or a convenient way to treat our sweet tooth at work or school. Custom vending machines are important for more than that, though, and have been for longer than you think.

The world’s first vending machine was actually designed by prolific inventor Hero of Alexandria, around the first century CE. A person put a coin in a slot at the top of a box. The coin hit a metal lever, like a balance beam, and on the other end of the beam was a string tied to a plug on a container of liquid. As the beam tilted from the weight of the coin, the string lifted the plug and dispensed the desired drink until the coin dropped off the beam. It wasn’t just a thirst quencher, though. Hero’s apparatus was designed to stop temple-goers from taking more Holy Water than they paid for.

Inventory shrinkage is still a problem today, and IDS’ vending machine manufacturers can design a custom vending machine to deal with whatever supplies you want to protect. Whether your inventory is reduced due to stealing, overuse of materials or simply a perceived lack of inventory value, a dispensing solution can put an immediate dent in the problem — in some cases reducing the shrinkage by as much as ninety percent.

However, the real advance in inventory management is achieved because of the machines’ access methods. Each machine can be configured to accept a code, a card or a fingerprint unique to one individual. That allows a manager to determine how often the machine may be accessed and whether inventory must be returned before new products can be dispensed.

Vending Companies are Embracing Mobile Payment

Whether you are familiar with Intelligent Dispensing Solutions or have been following our blog, you probably know already that the vending industry is evolving and adapting at lightspeed. It might not be long before we are using custom vending machines to purchase tickets for space travel to Mars, where we will find even more machines. Okay, so that might never happen. But there are plenty of more practical examples of the vending industry growing perfectly with our ever electronic world.

A recent report from Mobile Commerce Press revealed that cashless payment solutions company USA Technologies has teamed up with Isis, a company specializing in mobile wallet options. The end result: the ability to make purchases right from your mobile phone. While the recent application of credit card capabilities in vending machines has added a great layer of convenience for customers, mobile payment saves the average consumer even more time, as they will not even have to touch their wallets. This new service forged by the two companies will be available in 7,500 machines in Salt Lake City and Austin, and will hopefully boost sales thanks to the novelty of the service.

We love hearing about these exciting vending developments, and we hope you do too. If you are inspired to create a completely custom vending machine for any type of business that uses state-of-the-art technology, Intelligent Dispensing Solutions is at your service.

Educate Your Customers with Book Vending Machines

Intelligent Dispensing SolutionsWith the advanced technology currently available to the vending machine industry, no consumer product is off limits when considering what to stock in a custom vending machine. Being able to serve customers a satisfying hot meal or a freshly brewed cup of coffee from a vending machine is great, but why not encourage your customers to become more well-read? For a while now, literature book vending machines have actually been selling and lending books without the need of a bookstore attendant.

While library vending machines have popped up in various locations over the years, the new Biblio-Mat machine is looking to redefine book dispensing. Housed in a Toronto bookstore, this large retro-inspired machine dispenses a random used book to customers for a mere two dollars. The eye-catching machine was built as an alternative to the used book bins commonly found in book shops, as those clearance sections are commonly skipped over by customers.

The Biblio-Mat book dispenser is the final product of a unique vision coming to life. The vending machine manufacturers at Intelligent Dispensing Solutions make these vending dreams into reality every day. Whether you want to sell books, electronics, sporting goods, or anything in-between, we will create a unique, long-lasting product that will significantly enhance your business.

Create a Pop-Up Vending Shop for the Holidays

Intelligent Dispensing SolutionsIf you operate any type of shop, you are likely already fortifying yourself for the upcoming chaos of the holiday shopping rush. And while creating special promotions, hiring a seasonal staff, and reinforcing your doors are all good ways to get ready for the onslaught, sometimes it pays to think outside of the box. Or think about the box. A really big box that sells stuff. Yes, we are talking about a custom holiday automated retail vending machine that can comfortably get you through the season.

Whether you sell clothing, electronics, or anything that people like to give as a gift this time of year, a custom-made vending machine can do wonders for your business. Having one of these machines will allow you to expand the reach of your company, making your products available in new locations at any hour of the day. This drastically cuts down the cost of opening a secondary pop-up shop and hiring extra employees. The possibilities are truly endless: Just imagine a durable retail vending machine selling all of your best items, with some holiday graphics and nicknacks thrown in if you like. Customers will instantly stop in their tracks when they witness the convenience of a fully-featured retail store wrapped up in a vending machine.

While this type of machine sounds like a wild wish, you will not have to sit on Santa’s lap and leave some milk and cookies in hopes it will exist. With the help of Intelligent Dispensing Solutions, a fun, profitable custom vending machine can become a reality.

Unique Vending Machines Across the World

Here at Intelligent Dispensing Solutions, we thrive on inspiration. Our products are not built with a generic vision in mind. Rather, they are a unique interpretation of our clients’ desires, made from the best technology in the industry. With that in mind, let us take a look at some of the more unique vending machines that have popped up throughout the world.

This Toxel article highlights 17 of the most unusual vending machines around. While some of the products on the list, such as the Apple and Best Buy vending machines, are becoming more common, other vending creations are unlike anything you  have seen. Clothing company Closed created a jeans vending machine for those too impatient for retail stores, while someone invented a sock vending machine for…sock emergencies? Also highlighted are soccer ball vending machines, bicycle vending machines, and a Japanese board game vending machine, which all prove that the industry has moved way beyond sodas and snacks.

Feeling inspired yet? These are just a few examples of the endless possibilities found within custom vending machines. Contact Intelligent Dispensing Solutions about having us create a fully-customized machine for your business. You have a need. We have a solution.

Retail Vending Solutions For Surly Cashiers

Who needs this?

The cashier was once seen as a bustling eager young sprite, hoping to help you find anything you need. “Thanks for stopping in today (sir or ma’am),” they would chirp. “Did you find everything you needed?”

Of course the cultural depiction of this once charming occupation has since changed. Today’s perception is more along the lines of gruff people who seem to be angered to have a job haphazardly throwing whatever you bought in bags with the enthusiasm of a zombie.

It is enough to suck any joy you might have had out of any retail experience. Most of us are not rich and if the sheer presence of a cashier is going to increase the price of a product we are buying, then they had better offer some sort of service. At the very least, offer a smile. It makes the inevitable ascent of shopping on the web make so much more sense.

Another thing that makes sense for immediate needs like snacks and beverages is the ascent of vending machines everywhere and anywhere. Convenient food vending is on the rise and the reason is likely the demise of the service industry. Not that there aren’t some stores that specialize in customer service and do a great job. Just that those stores are generally not retailing candy bars and cans of soda.

Solving a Theft Problem

Recently there has been a string of drug thefts from ambulances in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. Since April, two thefts took place at a rescue station and another at a station. Morphine, along with other drugs, were stolen from locked ambulance compartments. To appease the situation, the Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency are changing the drug compartment locks in every ambulance. There will be separate lock boxes added for morphine and Versed, a drug used to produce drowsiness before a medical procedure. Down the line they hope to have new compartments that are able to identify who accessed them and when.

It sounds like they need the EMS package from Intelligent Dispensing Solutions. It would completely solve the problem and it’s just the technology they are looking for. Any and all drugs, and other supplies, can be kept on hand but with added security and documentation as they are dispensed. Personnel must present their ID in order to gain access. You can even control access level for each employee. Prompts are fully customizable too to track additional information. These medical EMS vending machines will help prevent drug theft and can save you money.

Visit our website to learn more about the EMS vending machines.

Belt and Conveyor Vending Machines

The technology behind smart supply vending machines has changed a lot over the years. As we discussed last week, many machines are accepting credit and debit cards to make purchasing even easier. Intelligent Dispensing Solutions is all about making unique, simple machines that gives customers the best possible experience. One “newer” technology that is popping up a lot in drink vending machines is the belt and conveyor mechanism.

The conveyor belt vending machines are best used for those just selling drinks. One of the big problems of the traditional drop-down drink dispensing machine is that the drink will be shaken. And we all know the dangers of a shaken soda. It’s always a risky endeavor as you twist off that cap or pop that tab. The last thing you want to do is create a bad experience for the customer. Although it is not directly your fault, some might be less inclined to buy a drink and maybe go to just the snack machine instead. But this entire mess can be avoided by opting for the conveyor vending machine that dispensing drinks.

At Intelligent Dispensing Solutions, there are plenty of options to create custom vending machines to provide users with great vending experiences. No matter what items you are selling, they can make it easy to buy.

Never a Coin Stuck or Money Lost

Vending machines are a wonderful convenience. You put in some loose change and voila! Out pops a delicious treat. But how many times have we all suffered from lost or rejected money? We clearly put in the correct amount but no food came out. Or almost as worse is when the machine will not accept your wrinkled dollar bill. *Cue asking everyone in the office for a crisp bill to exchange.

This scenario never has to play out again when you choose office vending machines from Intelligent Dispensing Solutions. Their vending machines really are intelligent –taking office I.D. cards. Employees can simply swipe a card and receive whatever supply they need. But if you prefer traditional machines that do accept money, IDS uses better technology that will reduce the loss of money by over 95%. The new machines will accept $1, $5, $10, and even $20 dollar bills. Add an optional credit card module to further increase sales opportunities and reduce problems and money lost.

Intelligent Dispensing Solutions prides itself in taking the latest steps to increase your overall customer experience. The vending machine has come a long way since its humble beginnings selling books and cigarettes. You want your vending machine to do more and they listened.

Perk Up with Coffee Vending Machines

vending machinesIntelligent Dispensing Solutions has become a leading innovator for custom vending machines, such as office and school vending machines. But what if your business is looking for the “traditional” vending machines? They can take care of that too, from snacks to soda to coffee. Coffee dispenser machines are wonderful to have in the office, saving employees time and money. Just think about the time employees waste when they have to go down the block and wait on line for a cup. And some employees can’t make it through the day without two or three cups.

Making a pot of coffee in the morning can be easy if your company is small. But even with 20 employees, you’ll be making several batches throughout the day. And let’s not forget that everyone can be picky about how they like their coffee made. It’s not a horrible thing to admit –some like it stronger than others. A coffee dispenser machine can rid you of all these problems and I’m sure employees won’t mind spending a few dollars less on their daily fix.

If your company is ready to make the office even better and create happier employees, speak to IDS about coffee dispenser machines or any ideas that you have.