4 Wacky Custom Vending Machines

There are many unique custom vending machines around the world, but these four have to be a few of the wackiest ever:

custom vending machines

These vending machines cater to the super wealthy and dispense gold bars or coins. Patrons can pay for their gold either by cash or plastic, and the machine even uses an ID scanner and camera combo to prevent money laundering.

Share Happy Ice Cream Vending Machines:
This $20,000 vending machine takes a picture of patrons as they approach. If the patron is not smiling, the machine will alter the picture of the patron using mustaches, glasses, funny hats and bow ties to make them smile. Once the customer smiles, the machine will give out a free ice cream treat. The profit comes not from selling ice cream but from capturing and collecting images and valuable demographic information for promotional use. If customers are not “happy” about giving away their image, they can pay for their ice cream the old-fashioned way and keep their image to themselves.

Let’s Pizza:
This vending machine makes pizza from scratch in three minutes all while allowing patrons to watch as it mixes, kneads and spins the pizza dough into shape. After the shape has been formed, the machine adds sauce and toppings then cooks the pizza to perfection.

Passive Aggressive Anger Release Machine:
This custom vending machine allows customers to smash fine china into powder. The effect smashing china has on patrons seems to calm the nerves and release anger.

There are many other wacky vending machines around the world, but the four listed above are perhaps the most unique.

Improving Hospital Inventory Control

Hospitals are busy places. The last thing anyone wants to focus on is organizing and monitoring inventory. Keeping track of everything from medications to supplies to scrubs is time consuming and labor intensive and uses a lot of resources to manage. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities can improve their inventory management and make it a lot simpler – and more cost-effective – by using vending machines with iQ technology. Thanks to these vending machines’ advanced, state-of-the-art technology, you can control how and when your supplies and medicines are dispensed. The iQ platform uses unique IDs that allow you to control your hospital inventory by restricting access and providing real-time tracking.

In addition to scrubs and other medical supplies, vending machines can be used to safely dispense controlled substances and other medicines. With iQ, all withdrawals are catalogued and time- and date-stamped, and dispensing can be controlled based on the authority level associated with the user’s ID. Learn more IDS healthcare medical vending solutions. Because machines equipped with iQ are able to track who’s using what, they also serve as a powerful deterrent to theft and inventory shrinkage. Even managing supplies of scrubs is made easier with ScrubTrak, which is designed not only to dispense scrubs but also collect used scrubs for cleaning.

A History of Vending Solutions

Innovations transform the world and the way people live. One of those innovations, intelligent supply vending machines, has a long, varied and interesting history.history of vending machines

The first vending machine appeared in public in 1822. England bookseller Richard Carlile wanted to distribute political literature from
remote locations. To solve his problem, he developed a book-dispensing machine that operated via dial turn and accepted coins.

Other early vending machines dispensed apples and postcards. In American, the first items dispensed in 1888 included Tutti Fruity Gum. By the 1930s, customers could also buy Pepsi and Classic Coke directly from a convenient, coin operated machine.

Vending machines began accepting paper bills as payment in 1965. John Greenwick developed that technology, and future machines continue to be just as innovative. Consumers may pay with credit cards and smartphone apps now, and they can obtain more than beverages and snack foods. Today’s machines also distribute fishing bait, socks, toys, salads, hot foods and office supplies.

From the 1800s to today, evolving technology and innovative designs from vending machine manufacturers meet the practical needs consumers have. A custom vending machine remains an essential staple in many environments, including offices, as it provides convenient and versatile snack, meal and practical solutions.

Ways to Keep Track of Inventory

Keeping track of your vending machines’ inventory is a vitally important part of maintaining strong sales: No one wants to see a half-stocked machine, and when an item is really popular, you want to make sure levels stay high so you can take advantage of that popularity.

There are three primary ways to track and control inventor:

  • Go “old school” and track by hand: Grab that clipboard and pen and get to counting. Tracking by hand may have once been the standard, but by today’s standards, it’s tedious and an unproductive use of time.
  • Use a spreadsheet: Excel offers lots of customizability and it’s certainly more efficient than keeping track by hand. But this method still requires manual entry, and that means it can still be time-consuming.
  • Tap into vending machine inventory tracking and management technology: IDS’ iQ technology vending machines represents the most advanced inventory tracking system available for vending machine operators. iQ lets you track your inventory remotely from your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone – any device that has an Internet connection. You can even check the income from cashless machines that let customers use credit cards to securely make purchases.

Inventory control has come a long way in the last few years. Using an inventory tracking system like iQ lets vending business owners spend less time counting stock and more time building a successful vending business.

Vending Isn’t Just for Food

Vending machines have come a long way in recent years. For example, machines that were at one time used for food items only are now meeting a wide variety of

needs for corporate offices, garages, doctor’s offices, hospitals and many other locations all across America. A recent article featured on Bloomberg Businessweek highlighted a new cupcake vending machine and referenced other items such as fresh fruit and smoothies now found in many a custom vending machine today. Read below for one of our innovative uses of vending machine technology:

In an office, there are many wasted resources, which costs companies thousands of dollars each year. However, we now offer office technology vending machines set up to provide flash drives, keyboards, pens, and anything else that an employee would need in an office setting. All an employee has to do is swipe a card, which allows employers to track who is using what. It also gives employees in need of office supplies instant access to them, meaning there is no reason to make a trip to the office supply store or call in IT.

Because the vending machine keeps track of who gets what out of the machine, there is greater accountability. As a result, many employers find they are saving a great deal of money because their employees no longer see office supplies as their personal property but instead consider them the property of their employer. This cuts down on waste significantly.

We hope you have been inspired by our innovative vending machine designs. Contact us for more information on retail vending.

Introducing Scrubtrak!

custom vending machinesWhen most people think of office vending machines, they usually think of drink or snack machines. However, at Intelligent Vending Solutions, they move beyond snacks and drinks and enter into the practical world of everyday office supplies. For example, one of their newest machines, the ScrubTrak hospital scrub vending machine is made especially for medical facilities and the professionals they employ.

The ScrubTrak machine will do the following:

  • Help medical professionals keep up with their scrub supply, freeing up time and energy for other more important matters.
  • Help reduce unauthorized inventory usage.
  • Ensure scrubs will always be available to techs, nurses, doctors and other medical professionals when they are needed.

Why medical facilities should utilize custom vending machines:
In the past, medical facilities have relied on a variety of resources and methods to ensure their employees are properly clothed in scrubs. The custom vending machine ScrubTrak, which is described above, proves invaluable in this task as it streamlines and organizes the process. No longer will new employees have to wait for scrubs to come in and no longer will there be a worry that unauthorized personal are partaking of an facility’s scrubs.

How these custom vending machines operate:
The intelligent dispensing solution is the technology that makes these vending machines different from others on the market. They keep track of inventory and give employees easy access to needed supplies. These machines also cut down on waste and help employers oversee their employee’s supply usage. In fact, these vending machines can help reduce inventory shrinkage by at least 25 percent.

Intelligent Dispensing Solutions at NRF in NYC

Intelligent Dispensing Solutions was among the vending machine manufacturers that debuted exciting new technologies at the National Retail Federation’s 2014 Expo. The event, which is held annually, features the latest retail technologies and solutions available to vendors of all trades. At the IDS booth, clients had the opportunity to see the ways that the company’s innovative machines could be used in a number of business settings. They could also witness how smart vending machines are opening up opportunities in a number of previously unexpected areas.

Alongside major retail brands, IDS demonstrated how in-house supply distribution can be made easier with a custom vending machine that allows workers to claim supplies ranging from pens and paper to replacement keyboard with the swipe of a card. This reduces shrinkage and the personnel hours that must be dedicated to ensuring that workers have the materials they need.

Moreover, professionals from health and wellness businesses were wowed by IDS’s new technologies which allow patients to purchase needed medications from carefully controlled machines. This innovation saves patients and professionals time while increasing compliance with prescriptions, additionally adding a new stream of revenue for many facilities.

Didn’t attend NRF but looking for ways to streamline supply processes or add new sources of revenue for your organization? Custom vending machines may be the solution you need.

Vending Machines Help Patients Take Meds Appropriately

One of the most prevalent reasons that a course of medication fails has nothing to do with which drugs are prescribed. Between 20 and 30 percent of prescriptions for medications are never filled, meaning that patients never receive the benefits of needed medications.

Many customers find a trip to a pharmacy inconvenient or even impossible due to transportation issues. But, next generation patient medicine vending machines are making a difference in patients’ health. Prescription drug dispensers allow patients to access common needed medications right in your office after an appointment. Smart technology allows customers to input their prescriptions and payment and insurance information with the simple swipe of a card. They get their medications immediately, without having to make another stop or wait at a pharmacy. By making it easy to fill a prescription, you make it more likely that your patient will complete a course of medication to improve his or her health.

Doctors offices, hospitals, clinics and assisted living facilities can all provide added services to patients with these custom vending machines. Talk to a representative at Intelligent Dispensing Solutions about whether a custom prescription dispenser is right for your organization.

Stay in DEA Compliance with Pharmaceutical Vending Machines

Striking the balance between keeping prescription medications on hand and maintaining the level of security required for DEA compliance is a major concern for firehouses, medical facilities and paramedics. These materials need to be readily accessible for medical emergencies, yet not so readily accessible that people who should not have access can get access. In addition, DEA regulations require tracking of controlled substances. For many, the answer to this quandary lies in a custom vending machine.

The Answer: Custom Vending Machines

Intelligent Dispensing Solutions provides a cost-effective way to manage this need. The UCapIt intelligent vending machine gives medical professionals instant access to the pharmaceuticals and supplies they need, even when those supplies are controlled substances, while automatically tracking the use and distribution for DEA compliance.

How It Works

When a user withdraws medications or supplies from the UCapIt custom vending machine, that withdrawal is cataloged with a time stamp. Also, withdrawals are regulated to the individual’s authority level, so only those who should have access to the medication are able to withdraw it. Inventory is also tracked instantly, providing a digital readout so you always know what your current inventory is.

For today’s emergency services personnel and medical professionals, access and compliance are both crucial. UCapIt custom vending machines provide both in an easy to manage vending machine setup. Contact Intelligent Dispensing Solutions today to learn more about this custom vending machine product.

Staying Informed on Office Supplies

With the information available to businesses of all sizes through software that measures everything from specific sales figures to website visits and even employee productivity, businesses are steadily becoming more efficient than ever. Some things are easier to track than others and things that happen electronically are much easier to track than things that require a piece of hardware to track each event or things that need to be manually counted and recorded before they can be recorded electronically.

Office supplies are a notorious culprit for things that are difficult to track. Especially if you have a larger office or rely heavily on expensive office supplies for your facility to operate effectively, keeping track of physical inventory that can be accessed by anyone is a daunting task.

Intelligent Dispensing Solutions has made this process easier by developing an office supply system that not only tracks the office supplies and products that are dispensed, but safely and securely stores them. By not having to restrict access to employees and being able to measure and track office supply usage, these office vending machines give you the information you need to run a business efficiently and your employees the ease of access to supplies they need to do their work.